Tuesday, January 16, 2007

happy news!

Hi everyone,

I had another appointment this morning (meaning another drive down to Salt Lake City....I guess I should get used to those!) Each appointment basically consists of doing a detailed ultrasound, paying specific attention to their hearts, their bladders, trying to measure the amount of fluid in each sac, and doing a doppler (measurement of blood flow) of their cords.

Today things still looked good with each of their little hard-working bodies, and the fluid measurement was actually improved! Spencer (the donor twin) had a pocket of fluid (they measure the deepest pocket of fluid they can find) of 3-4, instead of the 2, 2.5 it was last week. This technically means that they don't have TTTS because by definition one baby has to have a measurement of more that 8, (Micah's fluid measured 13-16 today) and the other less than 2. However, I am still very full of fluid, so although at this point they aren't as concerned with the babies health (and all of this can change rapidly), pre-term labor is still a very real concern (basically I'm as big as someone 8 1/2 months along and that can be confusing to my body).

After talking to our doctors, we are holding off on the amnio-reduction, and continuing monitoring.

After today's encouraging news, we called the specialists in San Francisco, who, after reviewing all of my records, and talking to one of our doctors, still recommend that I fly out there for a consultation. The reasons they gave for this include the likelyhood of things going downhill since we still have a ways to go before reaching the safety zone, the possibility that even with an increase in Spencer's fluid their hearts are still being affected, and their greater ability to evaluate the placenta to determine if amnio reduction would work, or if the laser surgery would be better.

We find out tomorrow if they were able to make an appointment for me on Friday, in which case I will be flying out to San Francisco to meet with them this weekend. If not, I will go down to Salt Lake this week, and go out there sometime next week.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts, your prayers, your faith, and your love. We truly appreciate it!

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