Friday, September 28, 2007

Micah's nuerosurgical checkup

We took Micah to Primary Children's Hospital for a follow-up appointment with his personal neurosurgeon yesterday. A fresh CAT scan indicated that the new shunt is working well: both his right and left ventricles look much reduced (a good thing). The doctors remain concerned about his "fourth" ventricle. It's located in the back / base of the skull and looks both a bit over-full and somewhat full-er than the last time we checked it out (a month ago). This ventricle can impinge on areas of the brain that control sight, eating-related musculature, etc. We're to go back for another look-see in a month.

Micah's doing well overall. He's generally a happy camper and seems more responsive every day (to me, anyway). He'll even smile socially every now and then (that is, in response to some outside stimulus). We visited a mobile clinic at the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind for a comprehensive developmental checkup a few weeks ago. Either I'll add a quick report on that visit later, or Melissa will do so. Overall, the news was good (especially where his prospects for mobility / motor deficits are concerned).


Micah has a favorite toy. It's tough to describe, but that's what pictures are for, no? He explores it with his fingers and toes to some extent, but he's much more interested in learning about it with his tongue. He's a snake at heart, I guess.

Spencer's grave

A few weeks ago, Melissa and I finally decided it was time to design Spencer's headstone. In the first place, we held off because we were worried that we might have to design two instead of just one. More recently, we've just not been in the mood. We felt that the time was right now.

Melissa did most of the design-work. The stone was installed a week or so and we visited it as a Family Home Evening activity last Monday. We hope you like the pictures.