Sunday, April 22, 2007

Head update

Hi all,

I forgot to update everyone on the head situation. For the past week at least Micah's head seems to have stopped growing beyond what is normal. Hopefully that will stay the case and no further action will be needed. Also, because of his size, and because the Cpap gives him and little more flexibility and because they are trying to ween him from Ativan (a sedative) so they swaddle him instead of giving him the medicine, Micah is now in an open crib instead of an incubator. He is still has his Picc line, and he is still receiving breathing treatment, but I guess they decided that an open crib would be better. Hurray! No more looking through plastic to see my little guy.
That's all, I think!

1 comment:

Annette said...

We love you and each little event in Micah's life gives us great love for each of you and all your are going through. My testimony grows each day especailly of the Love our HeavenlyFather has for each of us and that he really is there, he knows of individually and blesses us each day.

Thanks for being so strong and faithful! Love MOM