Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy 2 weeks!

Much has happened since we last wrote. Much of it has been happy! Micah is now completely off any heart support, no nitric, no Flolan, no seldonafel. He is completely weened from his pain medication (fentinal). In one week he went from the jet (helps him breath in and out) to the ocillator (helps him breathe in), to the Cpap, which means he is extubated! Hurray, no icky tubes down his throat any more. Well, he still has his feeding tube in, but that's nothing compared to his vent tubes. He has been on the Cpap for a week now, and his oxygen has been down below 30 for most of the week. There were times when he was at 100% for weeks at a time and reaching 30 seemed like a miracle...and guess what! We got our miracle! Since last Saturday he has gone down on his Cpap support from an 8 to a 7. Cpap is the last support before breathing on his own. We are so close!

I was talking to my dad today and my comment was "As soon as he can breath and eat things will be great!". Yeah, breathing and eating are pretty important things.

He is continuing to improve on his breathing, and it feels like he is digressing on his feeds. They are trying something new this week, and hopefully he will start digesting the breast milk he is getting so that we can get rid of his Picc line (semi-permanent IV).

Now, here is the greatest happy part. I get to hold my baby for the first time! Yeah! The OT (Occupational Therapist) is my new best friend. Because Micah has been stable with the Cpap she cleared it for me to hold him. As in, sit in a rocking chair, take him out of the incubator and hold him. The first time was a trial run. He was a happy camper and because he remained stable for it, I now get to hold him EVERY DAY! Hurray! Seth is looking forward to his turn tomorrow. It has been hard for him to be up here in Logan and only get to see Micah on the weekends (mostly just on Sunday). What a trooper! Sacrificing so that we can keep our house, food on the table, and key factor here-our insurance through his job!

Thanks again everyone for your prayers, love, and support. Miracles are happening, and it's because of you!

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