Friday, September 28, 2007

Micah's nuerosurgical checkup

We took Micah to Primary Children's Hospital for a follow-up appointment with his personal neurosurgeon yesterday. A fresh CAT scan indicated that the new shunt is working well: both his right and left ventricles look much reduced (a good thing). The doctors remain concerned about his "fourth" ventricle. It's located in the back / base of the skull and looks both a bit over-full and somewhat full-er than the last time we checked it out (a month ago). This ventricle can impinge on areas of the brain that control sight, eating-related musculature, etc. We're to go back for another look-see in a month.

Micah's doing well overall. He's generally a happy camper and seems more responsive every day (to me, anyway). He'll even smile socially every now and then (that is, in response to some outside stimulus). We visited a mobile clinic at the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind for a comprehensive developmental checkup a few weeks ago. Either I'll add a quick report on that visit later, or Melissa will do so. Overall, the news was good (especially where his prospects for mobility / motor deficits are concerned).


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